martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013

Go of Cocktails

Today I would expose this information graphic that I found on the internet.

The information of this graphic is very abstract because the circles that represent the quantity of the product are simple but you must read after to see this circles.
Is very functional because yo can see in a very concrete way the quantity of the products that each cocktail have. But also is very decorative because the drink is realistic and have to pay the attention of the spectator. The information graphic, in the whole, is more lightness because there are a lot of empty spaces, and the light that comes of the background have a realistic environment. Is an unidimensional information graphic because only there's a one kind of information, only presents the products of each cocktail. In general is very original because the type of light and the way to present the information (the products and the quantity of each cocktail).

In general is an information graphic very attractive because is original and very creative, and these aspects provoke an attention of the spectator.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi, Andrea! I agree with you that this information graphic catch the attention of the reader, which as you said above is so important. I found it more decorative than functional, because the big glass on the front.
    But I also agree with you that it is a very original way to represent the information!
