lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

Art Robberies

In this information graphic I would like to expose a chronological facts of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum robbery and also, an exposition of the most 5 stolen artists and the robberies in the last five years, organized since the tallest number of dollars cheated to the smallest.

On the first place, I put an exposition of the facts that occurred on the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. In order to expose this robbery I divided the facts in three sections decorated with the silhouettes of two polices and two security guards. These figures are not only to decorate If not to do the chronological sequence more attractive and to indicate to what refers each section. In order to do more comprehensive that this part is a chronological sequence of the events I put thief's silhouettes in a line and to remark each section the thief that belong to the section is bigger than the others that are in the line. On the last thief which refers to the last section of the sequence of the events there are three arrows which mark the three cheated pictures indicating the picture's name and the number of the rest of cheated pictures of each artist. The fact that there's a line of thieves have to the spectator follow the events and the police and security guards silhouettes have to get attraction of the spectators.

On the second place, I put an information graphic of the most 5 stolen artists in which appear a picture of each artist since the biggest size to the smallest size that indicates the biggest number of stolen pieces. For example, the biggest number of stolen pieces is of Pablo Picasso, for this his picture is putted bigger than the others. Also, under each picture there're the name of each artist and the number of the stolen pieces, each part in a different color in order to know that there're two kinds of information.

On the third place, I put another information graphic of the robberies in the last five years indicating the month and the year; the place and the stolen prize of each robbery. To be more attractive I put the image of each museum in a frame, as It was a picture. Each data are in a different color to separate the kind of information, and the number of stolen prize is bigger than other information because is the most important information.

I expose the information written in a different colors, mixed blue, black and violet in order to distinguished the kind of information that there are in the information graphic. For instance, the light blue is for separate the sections of the whole information graphic or black color is for the most basic data. I organized in a vertical way because I would like to give more importance to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum robbery, for this is the tallest information graphic. As you know, the people read since up to down.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Andrea! This infographic you have done is good but I have some objections, the letters maybe should be more darker in order to contrast and also there's a thing I found difficult to understand because at first sight the last pictures seems like are also part of the other graphic of information. Anyways the silhouettes and your idea of putting the pictures in frames is so nice! Good job

  2. Hi Andrea! I like your graphic!!! What i love the most is the colors you used for the graphic, I think they are very well chosen and combined in a soft way, all that draws my attention into the graphic and the information! and that is what you really want!! good job
